
The endangered Artis-tect

El Cambio. Ilustración de Miguel Brieva. “Bienvenido al Mundo” Enciclopedia Clismón.

El Cambio. Ilustración de Miguel Brieva. “Bienvenido al Mundo” Enciclopedia Clismón.

All revolutionary processes bring along with them periods of crisis. I suppose we agree on this premise. We can, therefore, say that a crisis is nothing more than the first step needed in bringing about the advent of Change.

With this in mind, it can also be accepted that we are heavily involved in one of these changes. I seriously doubt that you aren’t already aware of this. Not only is there an abundance of written material on the subject but it has also turned into the main topic of conversation of any mortal, as well being an excuse or a pretext for most of the mistakes we have made.

Before this period of crisis began, (a period which it would seem necessary to channel and optimize our energy), also a kind of architect with all the prerequisites to exercise his profession appeared on the scene.

Architecture used to be one of the most valued professions in society. It had the backing of big companies, as well as the financial support provided by public administration. Everything seemed to indicate that the architect’s hands could develop worthwhile projects which could be carried out in a reliable and relatively fast way.